General knowledge of Ilfov County the state/province of Romania

Mostly asked questions about the province Ilfov County

What is the country of Ilfov County ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Ilfov County ?

How many cities are in the state Ilfov County ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Ilfov County ?

What are the name of cities of Ilfov County ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Ilfov County

First question is about the country which is Romania and RO is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Ilfov County there is only 106 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Ilfov County by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Ilfov County
Country Name flag of RO Romania
Country Code RO
Total States of Romania 41
Total Cities of State 106

All Cities of Ilfov County

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 1 Decembrie 44.29083000 26.05806000
2 Afumaţi 44.51667000 26.26667000
3 Alunișu 44.33883000 26.05837000
4 Ştefăneştii de Jos 44.53333000 26.20000000
5 Baloteşti 44.61667000 26.11667000
6 Bălăceanca 44.39249000 26.29009000
7 Berceni 44.31417000 26.18556000
8 Bragadiru 44.37111000 25.97750000
9 Brăneşti 44.45000000 26.33333000
10 Buciumeni 44.54975000 25.96419000
11 Buftea 44.56139000 25.94889000
12 Buriaș 44.73304000 25.98053000
13 Căciulați 44.62741000 26.17255000
14 Cățelu 44.40292000 26.21975000
15 Căldăraru 44.41307000 26.26313000
16 Cernica 44.41667000 26.28333000
17 Chiajna 44.46000000 25.97333000
18 Chitila 44.50806000 25.98222000
19 Ciofliceni 44.68122000 26.11923000
20 Ciolpani 44.73333000 26.08333000
21 Ciorogârla 44.44250000 25.88333000
22 Clinceni 44.37333000 25.95472000
23 Comuna 1 Decembrie 44.28869000 26.06178000
24 Comuna Afumaţi 44.52501000 26.24943000
25 Comuna Ştefãneştii De Jos 44.53333000 26.18333000
26 Comuna Baloteşti 44.62026000 26.08664000
27 Comuna Berceni 44.30887000 26.19051000
28 Comuna Brăneşti 44.45362000 26.34995000
29 Comuna Cernica 44.39343000 26.28992000
30 Comuna Chiajna 44.45499000 25.99345000
31 Comuna Ciolpani 44.72603000 26.10193000
32 Comuna Ciorogârla 44.43222000 25.87861000
33 Comuna Clinceni 44.37639000 25.92445000
34 Comuna Copăceni 44.26297000 26.09374000
35 Comuna Corbeanca 44.59671000 26.03241000
36 Comuna Cornetu 44.34286000 25.92489000
37 Comuna Dascălu Creaţa 44.60008000 26.24201000
38 Comuna Dărăşti-Ilfov 44.30912000 26.02139000
39 Comuna Domneşti 44.39058000 25.89492000
40 Comuna Dragomireşti-Vale 44.47555000 25.93164000
41 Comuna Fundeni-Dobroeşti 44.45455000 26.18368000
42 Comuna Găneasa 44.49447000 26.29923000
43 Comuna Glina 44.38546000 26.24582000
44 Comuna Grădiştea 44.66557000 26.31448000
45 Comuna Gruiu 44.72648000 26.22133000
46 Comuna Jilava 44.32863000 26.07754000
47 Comuna Moara Vlãsiei 44.63416000 26.18935000
48 Comuna Mogoşoaia 44.52903000 26.00178000
49 Comuna Nuci 44.70910000 26.31770000
50 Comuna Periş 44.70859000 26.01472000
51 Comuna Petrăchioaia 44.57953000 26.31114000
52 Comuna Snagov 44.68481000 26.12384000
53 Comuna Tunari 44.56797000 26.13908000
54 Comuna Vidra 44.28107000 26.14310000
55 Copăceni 44.26297000 26.09374000
56 Corbeanca 44.60000000 26.05000000
57 Cornetu 44.34167000 25.94083000
58 Crețești 44.28238000 26.13530000
59 Dascălu 44.60000000 26.23333000
60 Dârvari 44.42108000 25.87989000
61 Dărăşti-Ilfov 44.30889000 26.01833000
62 Dobroeşti 44.45000000 26.18333000
63 Domneşti-Sârbi 44.38333000 25.91667000
64 Domnești 44.39919000 25.91618000
65 Dragomireşti-Vale 44.47500000 25.93500000
66 Dragomirești-Deal 44.46240000 25.94478000
67 Fundeni 44.45892000 26.16565000
68 Găneasa 44.48333000 26.28333000
69 Ghermănești 44.68829000 26.14962000
70 Glina 44.38333000 26.25000000
71 Grădiştea 44.66667000 26.28333000
72 Gruiu 44.73333000 26.23333000
73 Islaz 44.46117000 26.38724000
74 Jilava 44.33333000 26.07806000
75 Lipia 44.71003000 26.26445000
76 Măgurele 44.35000000 26.03333000
77 Merii Petchii 44.73532000 26.30054000
78 Moara Vlăsiei 44.64090000 26.20616000
79 Mogoşoaia 44.52917000 26.00000000
80 Nuci 44.71667000 26.30000000
81 Olteni 44.39307000 25.95021000
82 Oraş Bragadiru 44.36998000 25.97871000
83 Oraş Buftea 44.55475000 25.95628000
84 Oraş Chitila 44.49053000 25.97847000
85 Oraş Mãgurele 44.33925000 26.01403000
86 Oraş Otopeni 44.54217000 26.06526000
87 Oraş Pantelimon 44.45235000 26.20684000
88 Oraş Popeşti Leordeni 44.38005000 26.17134000
89 Otopeni 44.55000000 26.06667000
90 Pantelimon 44.45000000 26.20000000
91 Periş 44.68472000 26.01389000
92 Petrăchioaia 44.58099000 26.31269000
93 Piteasca 44.49339000 26.33025000
94 Popeşti-Leordeni 44.38333000 26.16667000
95 Roșu 44.45025000 26.01122000
96 Rudeni 44.47242000 25.97325000
97 Siliștea Snagovului 44.73920000 26.17942000
98 Sintești 44.30046000 26.12126000
99 Snagov 44.70000000 26.18333000
100 Tamași 44.58438000 26.00724000
101 Tânganu 44.40628000 26.31262000
102 Tunari 44.55000000 26.15000000
103 Vârteju 44.35606000 25.99183000
104 Vidra 44.26056000 26.16972000
105 Voluntari 44.49002000 26.17338000
106 Voluntari City 44.49023000 26.18439000